
class ii gene中文是什么意思

  • 《英文msh词典》Class II Gene
  • [入口词] Class II Gene
  • [主题词] Genes,MHC Class II
  • [英文释义] Genetic loci in the vertebrate major histocompatibility complex that encode polymorphic products which control the immune response to specific antigens. The genes are found in the HLA-D region in humans and in the I region in mice.



  • 例句与用法
  • Mhc is an extended cluster of genes with extraordinary polymorphism, which consists of three classes of genes ( class i, class ii and classiii ) . they are different from each other in their structure, expression, mode of evolution and so on . class ii genes are further divided into two subclasses and the mhc genes spread over nearly all vertebrates extensively
  • Besides the immunological functions, mhc genes also play important roles in many other respects . the polymorphism of mhc genes, especially of mhc class ii genes, is the most essential property . moreover, mhc genes are usually used to analyze the genetic structure and genetic variation in conservation genetics
  • 推荐英语阅读
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